Sunday, April 24, 2011

As Time Passes Through an Hour Glass

So, as I said before, everything in publishing books takes forever. I've had to get a fulltime job which in this economy was a life saver. But this means writing goes on the back burner, and if I had ever intended to do book signings (which kinda freak me out) or any advertising really, I certainly don't have the time or financial ability. Sure my co-workers are reading my book and even passing the word on to their families (yea!), but getting the news out to the world that I've written this fun novel just aint gonna happen.

Would I suggest you go through all of this? Maybe. Ya, maybe not. Seems like a waist of money. Write the great novel and post it on Kindle like everyone else. People say they love reading real books, but they only buy books fed to them by major publishers who only represent celebrities or their family members or proven authors that were discovered years ago that churn out novel after novel. If the average American reader is willing to read an unknown author, they will only pay .99 for it. And that means you aren't going to even be able to buy food.

I have to go back to my job on the midnight shift. Sleep tight world.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blockbuster bankruptcy, HA

So, blockbuster is staring bankruptcy in the eyes and are probably surprised by it all. Idiots. Maybe they should stop doing business with the old fashioned publishing mafia and open their doors, and shelves, to modern on-demand publishers. A business shouldn't continue that locks out artists for no real good reason.

Here is my plan for saving the brick and mortar book store, add space in every section in every store for self published and print on-demand authors. Give local authors the spots first, but then trust your managers to find gems. This would mean every store would have different choices making shopping delightful.

And for those who have missed me on the net, I had to remove myself completely which has left me no ability to advertise. But, the awesome thing is that people are still buying my book. If you include England sales, I just sold book 100!

Thanks to every kind soul who tells a friend about my book, and my complete gratitudes for those who trust these kind souls and spend their hard earned money on my silly little story.